Created by Hevy
Gain Muscle
3 Routines
This beginner program has three weekly workouts: push (chest, shoulders, and triceps), pull (back and biceps), and legs (quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves).
The first workout of the week focuses on the push muscles of the upper body: the chest, shoulders, and triceps.
Warm Up
1 set
Bench Press (Barbell)
5 sets
· 10-12 reps
Shoulder Press (Dumbbell)
3 sets
· 12-15 reps
Butterfly (Pec Deck)
3 sets
· 15-20 reps
Lateral Raise (Dumbbell)
3 sets
· 15-20 reps
Triceps Rope Pushdown
3 sets
· 15-20 reps
This workout focuses on the upper body muscles involved in pulling motions––the entire back (traps, rhomboids, rear deltoids, lats, and erector spinae) and biceps.
Warm Up
1 set
Lat Pulldown (Cable)
3 sets
· 10-12 reps
Seated Cable Row - V Grip (Cable)
3 sets
· 12-15 reps
Shrug (Dumbbell)
3 sets
· 12-15 reps
Hammer Curl (Dumbbell)
3 sets
· 12-15 reps
Face Pull
3 sets
· 15-20 reps
The final workout of the week focuses exclusively on the lower body muscles: the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves.
Warm Up
1 set
Leg Press (Machine)
5 sets
· 10-12 reps
Lying Leg Curl (Machine)
3 sets
· 12-15 reps
Leg Extension (Machine)
3 sets
· 12-15 reps
Standing Calf Raise (Machine)
3 sets
· 15-20 reps
Created by Hevy
This beginner program has three weekly workouts: push (chest, shoulders, and triceps), pull (back and biceps), and legs (quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves).
Gain Muscle
3 Routines
The first workout of the week focuses on the push muscles of the upper body: the chest, shoulders, and triceps.
Warm Up
1 set
Bench Press (Barbell)
5 sets
· 10-12 reps
Shoulder Press (Dumbbell)
3 sets
· 12-15 reps
Butterfly (Pec Deck)
3 sets
· 15-20 reps
Lateral Raise (Dumbbell)
3 sets
· 15-20 reps
Triceps Rope Pushdown
3 sets
· 15-20 reps
This workout focuses on the upper body muscles involved in pulling motions––the entire back (traps, rhomboids, rear deltoids, lats, and erector spinae) and biceps.
Warm Up
1 set
Lat Pulldown (Cable)
3 sets
· 10-12 reps
Seated Cable Row - V Grip (Cable)
3 sets
· 12-15 reps
Shrug (Dumbbell)
3 sets
· 12-15 reps
Hammer Curl (Dumbbell)
3 sets
· 12-15 reps
Face Pull
3 sets
· 15-20 reps
The final workout of the week focuses exclusively on the lower body muscles: the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves.
Warm Up
1 set
Leg Press (Machine)
5 sets
· 10-12 reps
Lying Leg Curl (Machine)
3 sets
· 12-15 reps
Leg Extension (Machine)
3 sets
· 12-15 reps
Standing Calf Raise (Machine)
3 sets
· 15-20 reps